Portugal's Data Regulator Orders Worldcoin to Halt Biometric Data Collection

In a recent development, Portugal's data regulator has issued a directive to halt the collection of biometric data by Sam Altman's iris-scanning project, Worldcoin. The regulator has ordered a suspension of data collection for a period of 90 days, citing concerns over privacy.


By Elizabeth Howcroft

3/26/20242 min read

Portugal's Data Regulator Orders Worldcoin to Halt Biometric Data Collection

In a recent development, Portugal's data regulator has issued a directive to halt the collection of biometric data by Sam Altman's iris-scanning project, Worldcoin. The regulator has ordered a suspension of data collection for a period of 90 days, citing concerns over privacy. This move adds to the growing list of regulatory challenges faced by Worldcoin, which has been under scrutiny in multiple countries.

Worldcoin's Biometric Data Collection and Incentives

Worldcoin's unique proposition involves encouraging individuals to have their faces scanned by its "orb" devices. In return, participants receive a digital ID and free cryptocurrency. The project claims to have attracted over 4.5 million people from 120 countries who have signed up for this initiative, as stated on Worldcoin's official website.

Privacy Concerns and Regulatory Scrutiny

The collection of biometric data, such as iris scans, raises significant privacy concerns. Critics argue that the potential misuse or mishandling of such sensitive information could lead to serious breaches of privacy and personal security. As a result, regulatory bodies across the globe have been closely monitoring projects like Worldcoin to ensure compliance with data protection laws.

Portugal's data regulator joins other countries in expressing concern over Worldcoin's biometric data collection practices. The regulator's decision to halt data collection for a period of 90 days reflects the need for a thorough investigation into the project's compliance with privacy regulations. During this period, Worldcoin will be required to address the regulator's concerns and implement necessary measures to safeguard user privacy.

Worldcoin's Response and Future Implications

It remains to be seen how Worldcoin will respond to the regulatory order from Portugal's data regulator. The project may need to reassess its data collection practices and make adjustments to ensure compliance with privacy regulations in order to resume its operations in the country. This regulatory setback could also have broader implications for Worldcoin's expansion plans in other jurisdictions.

As the debate around the collection and use of biometric data continues, it is crucial for companies like Worldcoin to prioritize user privacy and data protection. Striking a balance between innovation and safeguarding individual rights will be key to gaining public trust and regulatory approval in an increasingly privacy-conscious world.

In conclusion, Portugal's data regulator's decision to halt Worldcoin's biometric data collection highlights the importance of privacy in the digital age. This regulatory blow serves as a reminder to companies to ensure compliance with data protection laws and prioritize the security of user information.